Tags archives: dillen
Serie[Part4] People and Their Mobile Phones #MobileWithColors by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- Hi, Hereby the last photos of the serie people and their mobile phones #MobileWithColors in het city centre of GroningenCity/TheNetherlands. And also some photos captured in the www.Forum.nl . Within this serie i looked how i could make the picture a bit more interesting by trying to see and find a[...]
Serie[Part1] People and Their Mobile Phones #MobileWithColors by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- Hi, Hereby the first 10 photos of people and their mobile phones in het city centre of GroningenCity/TheNetherlands. A Part[2] will follow maybe also a Part[3] I'll make some more. Within this serie i looked how i could make the picture a bit more interesting by trying to see and find an extr[...]
SerieOf[10] BumbleBees 22-06-2023 by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography FujiFilmXH-[1] Thanks! to FotoSipkes.nl
- Hi, If you want to get better at something, try something you don't do (much) this is how i learn - MrOfColors Hereby a serie of 10 photos i captured today 22-06-2023 and edited just now of bumblebees. Using a Minitripod in my hand to stay stable (this works better for me) i didn't edited these ph[...]
Photo [Serie] SW Vastgoedverbetering 14-06-2023 Re-Painting the [Wooden window exterior frames] of our ProvinceHouse by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- Yesterday i saw two painters re-painting the wooden window exterior frames of our provincial house. This is a nice photo moment i thought to myself because this doens't happen so often (once every +- 10 years) . So i walked over to the fellaz of SW Verbetering and i introduced myself and ask if it w[...]
Serie [MayFair] Groningen @MeikermisGroningen 2023 by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPotography
- Hi, Hereby a selection of photos i capturing during this MayFair week @MeiKermisGroningen edition 2023. The colorful lights always make me happy had much fun capturing these photos in different exposures/speeds. My Thanks! to @FotoSipkes www.FotoSipkes.nl for the camera borrow FujiFilmXH-[1] my o[...]
Meet in the Street [Serie] Joost Doornik 04-05-2023 #ColorfulInTheStreets GroningenCity by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- A few days ago on the 04-05-2023 i had a wonderful meet on the street with the well known painter Joost Doornik infront of the DeStadsGalergie. We had a nice conversetion about colors/eyes/light and looking color use/ i asked Joost if it was okay if i captured some photos for him. He said yes ofcour[...]
Serie [#BnwByColors] Hard Light and Shadows/Lines 12-10-2022 by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- Hello, Hereby a #BnwByColors Hard Light and Shadows/Lines serie of 10 images a captured a few months ago [12-10-2022] and edited in these last few days and today the location is a Outside Gym in GroningenCity/TheNetherlands. Hope you like it Greetings Dillen All Photos © 2023 [...]
Serie [Part2] Kings Day GroningenCity [27-04-2023] by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography #MrOfColorsPhotography
- Hi, Hereby the Part[2] photos of the 2023 KingsDay celebration in the Groningen city streets (27-04-2023) i hope you like them i had much fun capturing them and Thankyou to those who wanted a photo. Thankyou! friends www.FotoSipkes.nl for the camera borrow, Jaap www.instagram.com/jaap_ten_hoove [...]
Serie [Part1] Kings Day GroningenCity [27-04-2023] by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography #MrOfColorsPhotography
- Hi, Hereby the first 18 photos of the 2023 KingsDay celebration in the Groningen city streets yesterday afternoon (27-04-2023) i hope you like them i had much fun capturing them and Thankyou to those who wanted a photo. Tonight i will start editing on Part[2] more photos to coming and Thankyou! f[...]
[Serie] #ForumReflectionsByDillen [Part1] April 2023 by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography #MrOfColorsPhotography
- Hi, Hereby the first part of a photo serie i'm working on called #ForumReflectionsByDillen using the screen of my Iphone12 as a Mirror but also with-out iPhone as mirror in color and BlackandWhite. Reflections found in and nearby the amazing @Forum.nl building. This is not in assignment for the F[...]
[Part[1&2] Serie SnowFall in [OosterparkwijkGroningen/GroningenCity] 10-03-2023 by [DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography #MrOfColorsPhotography]
- Hi, Here are a few photos i captured today and edited just now of the snow fall that has falling now here in Groningen too. I had a great time and much fun capturing these images. I hope you like them tomorrow i will work on a part[2] got a few more photos coming-up. Those photos will als[...]
Kind and Friendly Melodies Infront of Melvin - Average Joe's Barbers Own Store @averagejoes.nl www.Averagejoes.nl
- Just before the end of 2022 29-12-2022 i had a talk with Melvin - Average Joe's Barbers infront of his own store and a did a few photo's of him. Thankyou! Melvin for letting me do some photos and the nice talk. We will see eachother around. For a friendly talk and professional hair cut or t[...]