Portrait [Serie] Fuji[Film]X-S[10] #PortraitsOfColors @FujiFilmNederland Thanks! @FotoSipkes, @David.Pichler, Robert @Samwels, Floris @Studio_Nijensikkens, Alwin @AvwijngaardenPhotography/

Here are a few portraits i mostly captured yesterday afternoon in GroningenCity with my friends and the FujiX-S10 camera and these lenses

Portrait David (28-03-2021): Lens FujiFilm[XF]35mm f/2.0 [RWR] lens
Other Portraits (30-03-2021)done with the FujiFilm[XF]23mm f/1.4 [RWR] lens

Many Thanks! to all for standing in the moment supporting and FotoSipkes.nl for the camera and lenses loan.



All Photos © 2021 DillenvanderMolen MrOfColorsPhotography MrOfColors.com

David Pichler: @David.Pichler


Floris: @Studio_Nijensikkens www.instagram.com/studio_nijensikkens/

Robert Samwels: @Samwels www.instagram.com/samwels/

Alwin van Wijngaarden: @AvwijngaardenPhotography www.instagram.com/avwijngaardenphotography/

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