Tags archives: colors
Serie #WinterJoy on January 16th (GroningenCityCentre) and 17th 2021 OosterparkwijkGroningen by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- Hereby the selection of photo edits that made it to the publication of the short winter joy moment that we had over the weekend hope you like them. Photos where taken in the following areas of GroningenCity - Zuiderhaven (Area) - HogeLager der A (Area) - Vismarkt (Area) - Bus stop GroteMarkt [...]
Top25 of 2020 by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography #MrOfColorsPhotography Happy New Year Folks! Best Wishes to You and Yours for 2021 🌙✨🥂🎉 Be Safe 🌙✨🥂🎉
- Hereby my Top 25 photos of 2020 based on my own personal choice and most liked. Not all photos where taken in 2020 but all photos have been released in 2020. It's been a strange & tuff year for all. Luckly i was able and could walk alot and often to help add more joyful colors to my life and this wo[...]
Serie [Moving with Light] @LaurasLuminosity @Kyoflow_Nomad & @MaaxFire on the GroteMarkt/GroningenCity (11-12-2020) by DillenvanderMolen in [Color&BlackandWhite]
- Here are the photos i captured yesterday evening on the ''GroteMarkt'' Moving With Light Enjoyed the show and Thankyou! for letting me capture some photos hope you like them done with LeoFoto MiniTripod and LongExposure technique. @Laurasluminosity @Kyoflow_Nomad @MaaxFire Have a ni[...]
[Serie] of 3 at Ebbingekwartier/CityBeach in Color & BlackandWhite [14-11-2020] by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- These are some photos i captured last Saturday on a bity (G)rainy and grey afternoon All Photos © 2020 DillenvanderMolen MrOfColorsPhotography MrOfColors.com
[Serie] of the most Colorful house on the Block [20-10-2020] by DillenvanderMolen MrOfColorsPhotography (H.A Kooykerplein/Petrus Campersingel (Groningen)
- Here are a few photos i captured yesterday [20-10-2020] and which i edited last night of the most colorful house on the block hope you like them. All Photos © 2020 DillenvanderMolen MrOfColorsPhotography MrOfColors.com
[Serie] of 9 in Color and BlackandWhite at Shopping Area Korreweg(Wijk) [22-09-2020] by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- Here is the serie i captured yesterday at shopping area Korrewegwijk and edited this afternoon 9 x 2 hope you like it. All Photos © 2020 DillenvanderMolen MrOfColorsPhotography MrOfColors.com
[GiftFromColors] Colorful @ Willem and Titia (12-08-2020) [Finsterwolde/Groningen] by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- Made some photos in de front garden of friends of ours in Finsterwolde. These photos made it to the final edit hope your happy with them. Thankyou! for the colorful moment Greetings Dillen
Siesling B.V. (Hoge druk stoom reiniging / Gevelreiniging) Oosterparkwijk/Groningen door DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- Met toestemming van de Siesling werkers toen ik hun tegen kwam op de straat 10-07-2020 in het begin van de Oosterparkwijk. Mocht ik wat foto's maken voor mijn eigen portfolio vond het effect van de stoom een gaaf extra's geven aan de foto. Hartelijk bedankt dat het mocht hoop dat jullie de foto's mo[...]
Commercial Photo Training with a @CocaCola Bottle (Thankyou! for the Follows) GiftFromColors by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- Last Friday i did some commercial photo training with a CocaCola bottle at De Hoger der A en Lage der A and Noorderplantsoen park here in Groningen. This is the selection of photos that made it to the final editing. This was not an assignment for CocaCola www.coca-colacompany.com. I just felt like [...]
Fuji-XT[30] Thanks! @FotoSipkes.nl by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotos #MrOfColorsPhotography June & July 2019 Noorderhave(Harbour) Groningen/TheNetherlands
- Here are a few evening/night photos i captured taken with the Fuji-XT[30] in the summer of 2019 many thanks! to @FotoSipkes.nl All Photos © 2020 DillenvanderMolen MrOfColorsPhotography MrOfColors.com
#ReflectionsByColors Today outside @StarDustGroningen by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography #MrOfColorsPhotography
- GiftFromColors @StardustGroningen 4 Puddle reflection photos i captured and edited today (19 Photos). Make sure to visit their wonderful colorful store www.stardust-store.nl/nl All Photos © 2020 DillenvanderMolen MrOfColorsPhotography MrOfColors.com [...]
Part 2 || Photos Outside the @UniversityOfGroningen || by DillenvanderMolen #MrOfColorsPhotography #PortfolioOfColors
- Hereby part 2 of the photo serie i made outside the UniversityofGroningen. This was not in assignment for the university had a great time in the sun photos where taken in the afternoon's of 11-03-2020, 16-03-2020 and 09-04-2020. www.facebook.com/universityofgroningen All Photos © 2020 Dillen[...]