Tags archives: colors
2022 Photos [Serie] Inside [@The.Market.Hotel.Groningen] Project • by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography [#MrOfColorsPhotography]
- Dear reader, In this blog you will find the first and upcoming photo's i've edited and will still edit from inside the new and amazingly beautiful @TheMarketHotelGroningen @WestcordHotels. It's been a wonderful journey so far with much to see and alot to learn and expand my creativity in serval [...]
Photos Bommenberend Fireworks Show 27-08-2022 [Zuiderhaven/GroningenCity] by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- Dear Reader, Here my photos from last night it was great fun again watching the fireworks going up Thankyou! @GemeenteGroningen for the show. I will also post the photo www.Facebook.com/MrOfColorsPhotography Have a nice rest of the day folks☀️ [...]
The Last @QbuzzGD Bus[es) riding on the GroteMarktGroningen Yesterday Evening/Night [16on17-07-2022] with @Rieannuh by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- Yesterday evening/night @Rieannuh and i photograph the last busses riding on the GroteMarkt from today the will take a new route that will never cross over the GroteMarkt anymore. Here are 4 of the lighttrail photos i captured yesterday evening/night. A few more photos will follow also from day time[...]
2022 Photos [Serie] Nearby [@The.Market.Hotel.Groningen] Project • by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography [#MrOfColorsPhotography]
- Dear Reader, I'm working on a exclusive photo serie nearby, inside for the new @The.Market.Hotel.Groningen by Westcord Hotels I'm having much fun creating this project. I would like to 🙏☀️Thank Marit and Team TheMarketHotelGroningen and WestCordHotels for the possibly, hos[...]
Photo[Set1,2,3&4 ThePortraits] @WorldBreakingClassic 2022 Dutch Qualifier Groningen/Netherlands 22-05-2022 by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- Here are the first photos from yesterday @GrandTheatre050. More photos breakbattles/solo portraits of the event will follow in the up-coming days in this same blog and on my personal Facebook DillenvanderMolen account Click Here. Was a fun afternoon Thankyou! very much having me and ShouthOuts[...]
@MeiKermisGroningen GroningenCity [13-05-2022 & 14-05-2022] MayFairGroningen by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- Some photos from yesterday evening probably going tonight again alone for some more shots i'll upload them in de same album i hope you like these. www.instagram.com/meikermisgroningen/ Set 4 of 14-05-2022 [...]
[Serie] On the boot with cleaning team Chris Vogt and his dogs Lizzy & Szenza [15-04-2022] in the Canal of GroningenCity by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- Today Chris Vogt (TrashCollector) told me from the canal water side jump in my boot and come an a tour with me and my dogs Lizzy & Szenza and so i did. It was interesting tour to see and hear about what this man does out of passion for this City and it's environment my respects. Thankyou! for asking[...]
[Serie] Outside the New entrance of the ProvincieHuis Groningen @WerkenBijProvincieGroningen [17-03-2022] FujiFilmXT-10 in [Color and BlackandWhite]
- In the afteroon of the 17th of March 2022 i captured some photos outside the new entrance area of the ProvincieHuis. I did this is with the FujiFilmXT10 camera Thanks! to FotoSpikes.nl I hope you like the photos all photo where edited just now/today . [...]
[Serie] a few photos from Yesterday at MartiniKerkhof [02-04-2022] by DillenvanderMolen in [Color] and [BlackandWhite]
- Colorful at Martinikerkhof 02-04-2022 by DillenvanderMolenm CanonEOS-[R] All Photos © 2022 DillenvanderMolen MrOfColorsPhotography MrOfColors.com www.Instagram.com/MrOfColorsPhotography
Serie in the @84Posse Training/Studio 11-11-2021 Groningen/Netherlands by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- A True Passion Never Dies! Last week i was at the training in the @84Posse studio here in Groningen it was good and fun to be back laying on the ground capturing moves and doing some breaking meself that was long time ago for me. I will try to visit the studio more frequent in the up-coming fut[...]
@PortraitsOfColors Training/Shoot x @BennyGroeninga @Benny_Groeninga_Colour [15-10-2021] by DillenvanderMolen @MrOfColorsPhotography
- Last week i had a fun meet and portrait training with @BennyGroeninga @Benny_Groeninga_Colour in GroningenCity i learned alot Thankyou! very much for the instructive moments was an honor and for your beautiful photos i hope you like my results too. www.instagram.com/bennygroeninga www.instagram[...]
#FotoExpoDillenvanderMolen Geopend & Vanaf nu te zien @UMCGroningen Ziekenhuis Poli/Oogheelkunde. Doe je Mee!? Deel jouw favoriete foto op SocialMedia (PhotoGiveAway) @FotoSipkes.nl
- Yes! we did it. Met veeel blijdschap en trots kondig ik mijn eerst grotere foto expositie aan📷🎉: Deze foto van mij is gisteren buiten naast het UMCG gemaakt door Kaeye Kingma @Bonne.jpg ✨🙌🏻👊🏻 De foto expositie is van 21-09-2021 tot Ein[...]