Tags archives: inspiredby
- Hello my name is DillenvanderMolen may i take some photos of you drawing, Yes! sure it's a public place well
Thankyou! very much Erwin i hope you like the photos. Here is my card QR code on the backside that links to my instagram account.
All Photos © 2021 DillenvanderM[...]
A few years ago i photograph this picture of Mikhael from GiorgioPizza on a bench thinking (Maybe of a Masterplan) while he was enjoying the sun and some music on the Vismarkt. Not long after that i met him again nearby DOT he was outside training with knotted towels and throwing them in the air[...]
- Hereby the selection of photo edits that made it to the publication of the short winter joy moment that we had over the weekend hope you like them.
Photos where taken in the following areas of GroningenCity
- Zuiderhaven (Area)
- HogeLager der A (Area)
- Vismarkt (Area)
- Bus stop GroteMarkt [...]
- Here are the photos i captured yesterday evening on the ''GroteMarkt'' Moving With Light
Enjoyed the show and Thankyou! for letting me capture some photos hope you like them done with LeoFoto MiniTripod and LongExposure technique.
Have a ni[...]
- Here is the serie i captured yesterday at shopping area Korrewegwijk and edited this afternoon 9 x 2 hope you like it.
All Photos © 2020 DillenvanderMolen MrOfColorsPhotography MrOfColors.com
- Yesterday (01-09-2020) i captured some photos with @MartijnBloemHard next to the @ForumGroningen
These are the final results of it was Fun Thanks! for the walk and the Talk. CheckOut Martijn's Instagram account for wonderful photos
All Ph[...]
- Last week during my walk in the village of Finsterwolde where my parents live i stumbled upon this scene.The house of Ben en Jose i met the owners we had a nice meet and talk about life/photography outside in de warm sun we exchanged contact information. And i had permission too make some pictures t[...]
- Last Friday i did some commercial photo training with a CocaCola bottle at De Hoger der A en Lage der A and Noorderplantsoen park here in Groningen.
This is the selection of photos that made it to the final editing. This was not an assignment for CocaCola www.coca-colacompany.com. I just felt like [...]
- Here are a few evening/night photos i captured taken with the Fuji-XT[30] in the summer of 2019 many thanks! to @FotoSipkes.nl
All Photos © 2020 DillenvanderMolen MrOfColorsPhotography MrOfColors.com
- Hereby part 2 of the photo serie i made outside the UniversityofGroningen. This was not in assignment for the university had a great time in the sun photos where taken in the afternoon's of 11-03-2020, 16-03-2020 and 09-04-2020.
All Photos © 2020 Dillen[...]
- A few photos 5 in color & black of white near the sidewalk @GroningerMuseum
All photos taken with the CanonEOS[R] camera and the Canon[EF] 24-70mm f/4L lens Thanks! to @FotoSipkes.nl
All Photos © 2020 DillenvanderMolen MrOfColorsPhotography MrOfColors.co[...]
- Hereby the first ten edits photos of a serie i made outside the UniversityofGroningen some more photos to come hope you like them. This was not in assignment for the university had a great time in the sun photos where taken in the afternoon of 11-03-2020 and 16-03-2020.